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You can create a custom embed and button for the Music Controller in Vocard for each guild. This Music Controller displays the current playback status, including details like whether a track is looping and the number of songs in the queue. Additionally, the controller buttons allow you to perform actions such as pause, skip, forward, rewind, and go back, eliminating the need to type commands.

Music Controller


Value Name Description
channel_name The name of the channel the bot is playing on.
track_name The name of the track currently playing.
track_url The url of the track currently playing.
track_author The name of the author of the track currently playing.
track_duration The length of the track currently playing.
track_thumbnail The thumbnail of the track currently playing.
track_color The color associated with the source for the currently playing track. For example, YouTube tracks are indicated in red. This color can be customized in the settings.json file
track_requester_id The id of the requester for the currently playing track.
track_requester_name The name of the requester for the currently playing track.
track_requester_avatar The avatar url of the requester for the currently playing track.
track_source_name The name of the source for the currently playing track.
track_source_emoji The emoji of the source for the currently playing track.
queue_length Number of queue lengths
volume Music volume.
dj DJ role. (It can be a user or role)
loop_mode Current repeat mode.
default_embed_color Default embed color. (color_code in settings.json)
bot_icon The avatar of the bot.
server_invite_link The invite url of the support server
invite_link The invite url of the bot.

image image
"default_controller": {
    "embeds": {
        "active": {
            "description": "**Now Playing: ```[@@track_name@@]```\nLink: [Click Me](@@track_url@@) | Requester: <#@@track_requester_id@@> | DJ: @@dj@@**",
            "footer": {
                "text": "Queue Length: @@queue_length@@ | Duration: @@track_duration@@ | Volume: @@volume@@% {{loop_mode != 'Off' ?? | Repeat: @@loop_mode@@}}"
            "image": "@@track_thumbnail@@",
            "author": {
                "name": "Music Controller | @@channel_name@@",
                "icon_url": "@@bot_icon@@"
            "color": "@@track_color@@"
        "inactive": {
            "title": {
                "name": "There are no songs playing right now"
            "description": "[Support](@@server_invite_link@@) | [Invite](@@invite_link@@) | [Questionnaire](",
            "image": "",
            "color": "@@default_embed_color@@"


[{"button": "color"}]
Color Name Description
Grey Color the button grey.
Red Color the button red.
Blue Color the button blue.
Green Color the button green.
Button Name Description
Back Skips back to the previous song.
Resume Resume or pause the music.
Skip Skips to the next song.
Stop Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and chears the queue.
Loop Changes Loop mode. [Off, Track, Queue]
Add Add the playing track in to your default custom playlist.
VolumeUp Increase player volume by 20%.
VolumeDown Decrease player volume by 20%.
VolumeMute Mute or unmute the player.
Autoplay Enable or disable autoplay mode.
Shuffle Randomizes the tracks in the queue.
Forward Forward 30 seconds in the current track.
Rewind Rewind 30 seconds in the current track.
Tracks If there are tracks in the queue, a drop-down list will be appear. Up to 10 tracks. (This will take one row)
Effects Displays all available audio effects that can be applied to the current song. (This will take one row)


"default_buttons": [
    ["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}, "add"],


"default_buttons": [
    ["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}, {"add": "green"}],
    [{"loop": "green"}, {"volumeup": "blue"}, {"volumedown": "blue"}, {"volumemute": "red"}],


"default_buttons": [
    ["autoplay", "shuffle", {"loop": "green"}, "add"],
    ["back", "resume", "skip", {"stop": "red"}],
    ["volumeup", "volumedown", {"mute": "red"}]